Message from the President
Humans are the center, the most important subject, resource and goal of development, building Vietnamese people to develop comprehensively, closely and harmoniously between traditional and modern values. With the wisdom, enthusiasm, responsibility and companionship of donors, I believe that VNU - Foundation, together with VNU, will soon accomplish the following goals:
- Improve scientific research quality; increase the quality and quantity of international publications; build a favorable environment for scientific research; and promote scientific research activities in VNU.
- Strengthen research capacity for scientists, establish strong research groups with international-level basic research capabilities, support young scientists to start their research career and network in research areas.
- Promote international cooperation in scientific research and academic exchanges between VNU and international scientists; and attract international resources for scientific research in Vietnam in general and VNU in particular.
- Focusing resources on Foundation basic research, ensure the development of research fields. Allocate resources for applied research and apply research to practice, promote the registration of intellectual property of research results.